
I’m With Stupid is a comedy with heart.

A simple trip to Washington turns into chaos when a farmer from the backwoods of Mississippi visits his pompous brother in Maryland to try to mend their bitter ten-year feud.

This modern-day Cain and Abel must work together when one suddenly stands to lose everything — that is if they don’t kill each other first.

Pierre dreams of being the next Oprah, while Zeek’s biggest goal is to carry out his father’s deathbed plea.

Amir Carpenter plays Pierre, and Karlton Johnson plays his brother Zeek.

This short film is losely based on the high-stakes feature-length script of the same name.

Running time: 23 minutes

NIGHT CLOSES IN is a horror/thriller.

A night security guard struggles to survive a killer who has forged a unique, terrifying weapon.

A campus security guard discovers a cryptic message and then finds that all of the doors have been chained shut. Events grow increasingly sinister in nature as a shadowy figure cloaked in darkness leads the guard into a deadly trap.

Isolated, with no way to escape, the security guard struggles to survive a man who seems to have anticipated his every move.

The killer, armed with an unusual weapon forged just to torture and kill the security guard, closes in for the kill.

The security guard is played by Amir Carpenter, (who also co-stars in I’M WITH STUPID), and the killer is played by Russell Rinker (who is also known for his stellar performances as a member of BLUE MAN GROUP.) Running time: 13 minutes.